Impact is committed to operating in accordance with good industry practice and to ensuring that its policies and practices comply with a corporate governance framework that ensures prudent and effective controls.
The Board of Directors is responsible for overseeing Impact’s effective day-to-day management and for implementing the group’s strategy across all operations. It is also accountable to the shareholders for good corporate governance. This is managed through the delegation of certain responsibilities to the board committees.
Impact’s Board of Directors is both effective and balanced, with the number of non-executive directors outnumbering the executive directors. The non-executive directors are responsible for overseeing the decisions of the executive directors. To assist with its responsibilities, the Board of Directors has established three board committees:
Remuneration Committee
Nomination Committee
Audit and Compliance Committee.
For further details of the responsibilities and composition of these committees, please click here.
Impact is also committed to ensuring positive and constructive relations with its shareholders. It is crucial for the success of the company that its shareholders’ views are heard and considered. Impact is in regular contact with its major institutional shareholders where the company’s current operations, strategy and financial performance are discussed.